Award begets award, eh?

I would like to say a big thank you to Jirah Merizz of Writings by JM for nominating me for this award. It is an honor. Jirah Merizz is a talented and dedicated writer with very unique content. To see some of her great work or all of them click this. To see my responses to her deep juicy questions for me, you don’t need to click anything. Just keep reading.

  1. What activities inspire you to feel like you’re living your life to the fullest?
    Anything that I know makes my God happy gives me this sense. I also derive the same feeling from living a life of gratitude and spending time with my family and friends.

2. Three things that make you happy.
My family.
My work.

3. How do you think your future self will remember your current self?
As being brave enough to do what needed to be done, trusting and relying on God culminating in the blessings and favorable results I was now enjoying.

4. If today was the last day of your life what would you be proudest of?

The only chance that this would be is if Jesus was to return today. In that case, I would be proudest about accepting Jesus into my life as my Lord and savior. Other than this, considering as he has promised that my days would be as the days of a tree (PS: trees can live up to 5,000 years) and I’m only in my twenties, I still have many more decades to go.

5. If you could teach the entire world just one concept what would it be?
The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.

6. What is something you’d never hesitate to stand up for?
My values.

7. What is your greatest achievement this quarantine?
I’ve learned so much more about my God than I knew before the quarantine.

8. What are some of your focuses or plans for the upcoming month, July 2020?

  • I want to know Jesus more.
  • I am also hoping to grow about an inch of my natural hair in this month.
  • I want to be as present and as participative in the WordPress Community as is possible.

9. If you could describe this year in one word what would it be?

10. Say something uplifting to your Blog Followers.
You are special!
Jesus loves you too much!

Thank you so much amazing people for reading to the end. This is the point where I nominate special people to also partake of this award. The rules specifically state that I should nominate 10-30 other bloggers or more and so, as a law abiding citizen that I am I leave it in your hands. If you would like to partake in this award post, I nominate you. But you mustn’t forget;

The Rules
1. Thank the person who nominated you with a link to their blog.
2. Make a post of the Award with a photo of the logo.
3. Post the rules.
4. Ask 5-10 questions of your choice.
5. Nominate 10-30 other bloggers or more and notify them.

Please, do leave a comment on any of my posts notifying me that your own award post is up so that I can have my fun reading your content and supporting your blog.

Now, the moment we’ve all been waiting for, these are my questions for you;

  1. Why blogging?
  2. Share one blogging tip you’ve picked up since starting your blog that you think would be useful to me.
  3. Recommend a really good movie/show to me.
  4. Tell me a little about your city.
  5. Share one really powerful life lesson that you’ve learnt.
  6. Besides blogging, what do you do?
  7. In one word how would you describe this year so far for you?
  8. If you didn’t have to work to make money, what would you do instead?
  9. What is the bravest thing that you have done?
  10. What is your life motto?

I look forward to reading your responses to my questions. Don’t forget to let me know when your posts are up. I do hope everyone who has stopped by enjoyed reading this post. Even if you are not a blogger, or you are one but don’t want to partake of this award, I still would like to see your response to any of the questions that has piqued your interest in my comments box below.

Thanks for stopping by. Till next time, stay safe!



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